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10 Conversations About Literacy in 30 Minutes With Dr. Liz Brooke

Episode 11 • December 5, 2023 • 45 min
Host Dr. Liz Brooke journeys through season one of All For Literacy, recapping insight and common threads as discussed with key industry voices. Tune in to catch up on what you missed before next season or to deepen your understanding of what you have learned all year

When educators have the knowledge to understand how the brain learns to read, they are more prepared to identify when a student may need additional support.
Dr. Liz Brooke, host of the All For Literacy Podcast
All For Literacy, Episode 11:
10 Conversations About Literacy in 30 Minutes With Dr. Liz Brooke
Whether you are a loyal All for Literacy listener or tuning in for the first time, Episode 11 is for you. In this podcast episode, host Dr. Liz Brooke journeys through season one of All For Literacy, recapping insight and common threads discussed with key industry voices.
Dr. Brooke shares highlights from discussions with Emily Hanford, Kareem Weaver, Dr. Kymyona Burke, Dr. Shayne Piasta, and other valued guests while providing further conclusions and food for thought.
This episode covers the relationship between the pandemic and literacy levels, literacy as a civil right, integrating technology to empower educators, educational policy, multilingualism, differentiated literacy needs, research-based practices, and other related topics.
Use this episode to catch up on what you missed before next season or to deepen your understanding of what you have learned all year. Tune in to relive the premiere season of All For Literacy and set the stage for 2024!
Episode Breakdown
(00:00) – Emily Hanford and what the pandemic taught us about learning to read
(00:00) – Kareem Weaver: Literacy is a civil right
(00:00) – Carl Hooker: Informed, empowered and equipped teachers are key
(00:00) – Trisha DiFazio and Allison Roeser: Social Emotional Learning is the plate
(00:00) – Dr. Kymyona Burke: Relationships and accountability
(00:00) – Dr. Claude Goldenberg: The Reading Wars are damaging for our schools
(00:00) – Dr. Tiffany Hogan: Identification, Intervention, and Implementation
(00:00) – Dr. Maryanne Wolf: Neuroscience and Dyslexia
(00:00) – Dr. Shayne Piasta: Bringing research to the classroom
About Dr. Liz Brooke
Dr. Liz Brooke is the chief learning officer at Lexia®. She is a lifelong learner dedicated to empowering literacy educators and supporting students. Before joining Lexia, she worked at Rosetta Stone, the Florida Center for Reading Research, and as a speech-language pathologist.
Related Resources
Mentioned in This Episode
Find all the episodes mentioned at AllForLiteracy.com
Liz Brooke, Twitter @LizCBrooke
Emily Hanford, Twitter @ehanford
Tiffany Hogan, Twitter @TiffanyPHogan
Kareem Weaver, Twitter @KJWinEducation
Trisha DiFazio, Twitter @TrishaDifazio
Allison Roeser, Twitter @AllisonRoeser
Dr. Kymyona Burk, Twitter, @kymyona_burk
Dr. Tiffany Hogan, Twitter @tiffanyphogan
Dr. Maryanne Wolf, Twitter @MaryanneWolf_
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